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Public Schools should be pillars in our communities that help families thrive and where children learn the knowledge and skills necessary to become members of our society and economy.


We advocate for better public education policies by educating voters through data driven messaging, challenging false narratives, and helping elect pro public education candidates to local, state, & federal offices.

Scott speaking to a crowd at a conference.

Our Message

“Public education belongs to all of us, including the vast majority of parents who choose to send their students to neighborhood public schools. For decades, politicians in Tallahassee have turned their backs on our neighborhood schools and grossly underfunded public education.  We need tough leaders who will resist special interests and fund the public schools that will educate our workforce and drive our economy forward in the future.”

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What We Believe

Public education is a public good. 

The purpose of public education is:

  • For students to achieve not just academic goals, but also

develop critical thinking skills, citizenship competencies, and positive character traits

  • To ensure students are ready for college and/or the workforce

  • For students to be socially, emotionally, and physically healthy

  • To provide childcare for working parents & the businesses they work at

Properly funding public education is essential to achieving these purposes!


Want to stay up to date on all things education? Let's connect!

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Paid political advertisement paid for by the Democratic Public Education Caucus of Florida.
This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidates' committee. 

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